
Dean Markley Blue Steel Electric Guitar Strings Light (9-42)

Set Corde Chitarra Elettrica .009
  • Dean Markley Blue Steel Electric Guitar Strings Light (9-42)
EUR 9.15
incl. I.V.A.. Consegna gratuita in Italia a partire da EUR 200
Product Rating4.3 da 5 | 4 Recensioni |   Scrivi una recensione


Set Corde Chitarra Elettrica .009 attributi
Unità 1 Pezzo
Dettagli del prodotto
Numero prodotto 53884
Marca Dean Markley
Gamma Blue Steel
Sottoserie Electric Guitar
Categoria Set Corde Chitarra Elettrica .009
Marchi Dean Markley - Set Corde .009
Classifica della rilevanza 84 di 145
Data settembre 2003
Peso 0.03kg
Profondità della confezione 322mm
Altezza della confezione 44mm
Peso lordo 0.03kg


- Peso: 0.030kg

Info sulla serie

The String
That's right, this is the one everyone's been talking about. It's simply amazing what a little -320º liquid nitrogen can do to a guitar string. If I were you, I'd put on a set and see what all the noise is about. Twice the tone and twice the life.

The Experience
"I'm cold," she murmured, hugging her knees on the couch beside me. Wuthering Heights was on the coffee table, closed and carefully bookmarked. I hadn't realized that she'd stopped reading.

I was nearly finished restringing the electric with Blue Steels; she was watching me with casual interest.

Recensioni (4)

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