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spl De-Esser / Modell 9629

Vocal De-esser
  • spl De-Esser / Modell 9629
EUR 750.10
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Thanks to a unique technology, the SPL DE-ESSER works very inconspicuously and has a neutral sound. S frequencies are automatically detected and reduced via phase reversal.
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Concept The De-Esser is a specialized tool for removing unwanted S or hissing sounds. For this difficult task, SPL has developed a new circuit technology that combines efficient signal processing with maximum ease of use. Early de-essing - directly after the microphone preamplifier - is particularly important in times of digital signal processing. An S sound with a high peak level on the hard disk minimizes the available headroom. The useful signal is also sampled with lower resolution and dynamics. Searching for the S sounds later is time-consuming and therefore expensive. In addition, it is important to consider the psychological aspects that can influence the speaker or singer if hissing sounds are audible on the headphones. Filtering out with an EQ often doesn't help either, as speech intelligibility suffers. Both of these only lead to the speaker or singer focusing their attention on a changed intonation and thus being distracted. How it works The De-Esser has a new circuit technology that automatically adjusts to the relevant frequencies and narrows the bandwidth so that only the S-sound range is processed, but neighboring frequencies remain untouched. This precisely defined area is then mixed back into the original signal in a phase-inverted manner, whereby the S sound is acoustically canceled out. The result combines extreme efficiency with the greatest possible sound neutrality. The character of each voice is retained. By the way, you can also soften hard cymbal sounds or snares with the De-Esser . Operation The De-Esser is extremely easy to use: The intensity of the processing is determined with the S-Reduction control. The lowering is displayed in the LED chain. Three additional switching functions make practical use easier. With the Male/Female switch you can adapt the S-sound recognition to the characteristics of female or male voices. The auto-threshold function automatically adjusts the threshold value or starting point if the input amplitude fluctuates due to changing the speaking position in relation to the microphone. When Auto-Threshold is activated, the de-essing intensity remains constant at the value you set with S-Reduction - a huge help for inexperienced speakers or under live conditions. With conventional de-essers with compressor technology, the processing intensity decreases as the distance to the microphone increases. As a rule, downstream compressors or limiters then naturally react to the S sounds that reappear. The disadvantage of weaker de-essing - bad enough in itself - also leads to undesirable effects in subsequent processing. Auto-Threshold prevents these disadvantages from occurring in the first place. With the Active switching function you can switch each channel on or off. The relay hard bypass circuit routes the inputs directly to the outputs in the event of a power error or when switching off. Features The De-Esser is equipped with XLR and stereo jack sockets with SSM precision symmetry levels.


Product Details
Product Number 129053
Brand spl
Category Vocal De-esser
Brand Category spl - De-essers
Date November 2014
Box Depth 544mm
Box Height 127mm
Gross Weight 4.45kg

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