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Di Marzio DP156F / Humbucker From Hell (black)

Humbucker Pickup
  • Di Marzio DP156F / Humbucker From Hell (black)
EUR 99.00
Incl. VAT. Free delivery in Germany from EUR 200
You won't believe how much this pickup will open up the sound in the neck position of a Les Paul.

F-spacing, neck position, Wiring: 4 Conductor, Magnet: Alnico 5, Output mV: 226, DC Resistance: 5.89 Kohm.


Because a conventional humbucker senses the string at two different places, it cancels some frequencies along with the hum. What if there was a humbucker that cancelled fewer frequencies? It would be brighter and cleaner: almost glassy-sounding. In other words, it would sound a lot like a Strat pickup, but with about the same power as a PAF. We created The Humbucker From Hell primarily as a neck pickup. You won't believe how much it will open up the sound in the neck position of a Gibson Les Paul, and it has an almost acoustic quality in the neck spot of a bolt-on guitar. Why is it called The Humbucker From Hell? Try it in the bridge position with a bright amp - but put in your earplugs first, and don't say you weren't warned.

Okay, we admit it - it's a strange name for a pickup that's not a mega-voltage monster, but try it in the bridge position with a really bright amp and you'll get it. What we really wanted was a super-clean neck pickup, because we've heard years of complaints about muddy-sounding humbuckers. This pickup is the cure. With some guitar/amp combinations, it can sound almost acoustic. With others, it's real Strat-like. Aside from canceling 60-cycle hum, it bears very little resemblance to a standard humbucking sound.


Product Details
Product Number 161866
Brand Di Marzio
Series Humbucker
Category Humbucker Pickup
Brand Category Di Marzio - Humbucker
Relevancy rank 481 of 688
Date April 2014


Recommended For
Neck position in solid body guitars.

- Wiring: 4 Conductor
- Magnet: Alnico 5
- Output mV: 226
- DC Resistance: 5.89 Kohm

Tone Guide
- Treble: 8.5
- Mid: 4.5
- Bass: 4.5


Larry di Marzios Firma "DiMarzio" war die erste, welche Austauschpickups für E-Gitarren/-Bässe herstellte, und ist seit den 70er-Jahren unbestritten die Nummer eins in diesem Markt. Mit fast doppelt soviel Output, wie ihn andere Pickups erzeugen, wurde damals der Grundstein für ein mittlerweile fast unendlich erscheinendes Angebot an Austausch-Tonabnehmern zum Tunen Ihres Instruments gelegt. Neben der umfassenden Palette an Replacements findet man DiMarzio Pickups auch serienmässig auf Fender-, Ibanez-, MusicMan-Gitarren und anderen nahmhaften Gitarren. Bei uns finden Sie eine grosse Auswahl an DiMarzio Pickups ab Lager lieferbar. So then: Pimp Your Guitar!
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